For further information either contact us at [email protected] or kindly fill out the form below.

For Donations in Lebanon
Bank: Banque BEMO Sal
Bank Address: Elias Sarkis Avenue, BEMO building
Beneficiary: NAFDA
Account number: 3506161
IBAN USD: LB43 0093 0000 0035 0616 1366 1USD
IBAN EURO: LB93 0093 0000 0035 0616 1366 1EUR
For their respective routing information, please click here.
For Donations in
the United States
Bank name and Address:
PNC Bank, NA
Dupont Circle Branch
1913 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20036
Account name: NAFDA US
Account #: 5307342606
Routing Number: 054000030
For more information,
visit our US website.
For Donations in France
We are in proud partnership with Fonds de Dotation France-Liban. Please click here for more information.