Emergency Response Newsletter

We’re at a loss for words at the devastation ravaging our country. Across the board, nafda schools, their students and communities are facing unimaginable hardship, with lives upended, communities torn apart, and the weight of uncertainty pressing down on everyone.

In the wake of these events unfolding right before our eyes, we stand in solidarity with our communities, recognizing the urgent need to act. Now more than ever, it is crucial to ensure that all students — whether in public or private schools — do not lose their right to education.

We are mobilizing our advocacy efforts to guarantee continuity for both public and private school students, especially as many public schools are currently being used as shelters. While we recognize the challenges faced by displaced families, we believe they deserve more dignified living arrangements that would allow schools to resume their essential role in educating our youth.

Our focused emergency response is designed to safeguard education while fostering social cohesion and well-being. We’re taking action on three main fronts:

  • Sustained Education Opportunities
  • Mental Health & Wellbeing Support
  • Citizenship & Community Building

Crisis Update on nafda Schools

Despite the immense uncertainty, all 55 nafda schools are demonstrating remarkable resilience during these challenging times.

While public schools are closed until November 4, as per the Ministry’s decision, all private schools—whether hosting displaced students or not—are permitted to resume classes. They recognize that keeping students in school is a safer and more productive alternative to remaining at home. To date:

  • Around 6 schools have been significantly affected by displacement.
  • 12 nafda schools are currently hosting displaced families.
  • Three schools are on the government’s list to provide shelter if the need arises.

Together, we can build resilience and restore hope during these challenging times.

We are working to raise $300,000 to cover these vital activities and would be grateful to count on your support!

For donations in Lebanon please click here. To support us through nafda-US, our 501(c)3, kindly click here.

Image from 961.com

Call for Specialists in Areas of Need

We have launched a call for specialists to support our Emergency Response initiatives, including social workers, psychologists/psychotherapists, school counselors, first responders or community members with experience in psychosocial and wellbeing activities.

If you know someone who may be interested, please share this link with them.

How Can You Support Relief Efforts in Lebanon?

Below is a list of credible organizations acting on field. Please click on their relevant links to learn more about how they are responding to the crisis:

To support relief efforts through the U.S., please consider contributing to Anera, which is providing meals, bedding kits, winterization kits, and hygiene kits. To learn more, click here.