nafda May 2024 Newsletter

Future Leaders in Action: The First nafda Student Council Meeting

The inaugural meeting of the nafda Student Council was a dynamic event, with 40 students from nine diverse schools across Lebanon coming together, led by peers from Wadi El Azhar School, in the Bekaa region. The students shared their backgrounds and aspirations, discussing the council’s goals to foster unity, empower each other, and serve their communities. Their initial efforts focused on brainstorming data collection strategies for community needs, setting a foundation for a transformative journey of collaboration and service in shaping Lebanon’s future.

This initiative aims to cultivate strong bonds of friendship and cooperation among students all over Lebanon, empowering them to eliminate social and demographic barriers and enhance teamwork, with students from each school electing representatives to a council where they propose and vote on community projects.

“Surviving and living in Lebanon and the Levant region entails embracing the necessity of being part of the change— to inspire the youth of our country to lead in establishing the foundations for a better life. It’s about fostering a life of dignity, human rights, freedom of speech, and acceptance of others,” reflects Asmahan Zein, CEO of Ardi Ardak (ارضي ارضك). “Our belief in our youth and students has driven us to collaborate with various NGOs and like-minded associations, particularly with nafda, to engage elementary and high school students across Lebanon.”

Ardi Ardak addresses agricultural challenges in Lebanon, offering sustainable solutions for farmers and landowners. With support from Agricultural Engineers at the Environment Sustainable Development Unit (ESDU) of AUB, Ardi Ardak operates as a social enterprise.

Ardi Ardak and nafda have joined forces to support 9 nafda partner schools. The training program, implemented with high school students aspiring to pursue higher education in agriculture, encompasses teacher training, the establishment of seasonal school gardens, and field trips to various farms to enhance practical agricultural education. The overarching goal is to foster agricultural activities among school students beyond initial training courses, ensuring the sustainability of its impact.

Announcement! New Thematic Area: Media & Information Literacy

As nafda schools continue to plant seeds of social change through transformation projects, they equally persist in identifying new, relevant needs in their communities. Media & Information Literacy (MIL) joins the family of existing project themes: STEAM, Equitable & Inclusive Learning, Experiential Pedagogies and Student Soft Skills.

Three nafda schools have initiated innovative projects to empower today’s youth to engage thoughtfully with the media and think critically of the information they consume. Across Tripoli, Saida and Bekaa, students are tackling a range of issues from discerning and combating misinformation, raising awareness and protecting oneself from cyberharassment and strengthening multimedia and storytelling skills.

nafda's 2024 Principal Council Ready to Transform Schools!

As seasons change – the nafda community is grateful for the tireless efforts of its first Principal Council, and extends a warm welcome to the newly-elected members:

With Karim Abu Haydar serving as the representative for the Enablers, and Naji Talhouk representing the nafda Executive Team.

In the spirit of good governance, the Council will continue to serve the nafda community in a representative and advisory capacity. This includes ensuring smooth completion of projects, liaising with schools principals on current issues and events, and actively participating in setting nafda’s strategic direction, governance practices and advocacy efforts.

Congratulations and thank you again to the new Principal Council members!

nafda US!

As nafda continues to expand its reach, we are thrilled to announce the creation of a new fundraising arm, nafda US, established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit entity in Washington, DC, dedicated to supporting and expanding our efforts in Lebanon.

Visit the website at to learn more!

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